NEW Member Benefits from NAMFS and Pendella
The National Association of Mortgage Field Services has formed a unique partnership with Pendella, a 50-state virtual insurance agency,to provide NAMFS Members and like industry partners with a broad portfolio of Member Benefits, including group health plans, individual income protection, and streamlined benefits administration services.
Join our introductory webinar on Thursday, July 30th!
Already have a group benefits plan in place?
With Pendella’s unique plan options, you could see significant savings* on your group’s health plan premium. How? Strategy. With their no-cost expert analysis, you could be well on your way to saving premium dollars for not only your business, but for your employees too.
Thinking about offering group benefits?
We know, we know… offering group benefits can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. Pendella offers employee benefits solutions for just about every budget out there. You could jump into an employee benefits plan for as low as $5 per month, per employee.
What about individuals?
Business owners need protection too. Through Pendella, individual business owners have the opportunity to purchase no-hassle income protection (such as life and disability insurance), as well as the usual low-cost staples, like dental and vision insurance.
Curious about the savings that may be available to you?
Visit our new partnership site HERE to provide your information and learn more!
*Available to groups with 2+ employees in most states.