ALLIANCE PROPERTY NOTICE – 1804 Lynn Drive Phenix City, AL 36867

A VACANT Single Family property has been reported to NAMFS with the following issues: Condemnation Notice, Property Open and Abandoned, Debris (Int and/or Ext), Vandalism/Graffiti, Outbuilding Issues, and an Illegal Conversion. Please contact Gil Griffith at or (334)448-2746 if you are servicing or have information regarding this property.

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NEW Member Benefits from NAMFS and Pendella

The National Association of Mortgage Field Services has formed a unique partnership with Pendella, a 50-state virtual insurance agency,to provide NAMFS Members and like industry partners with a broad portfolio of Member Benefits, including group health plans, individual income protection, and streamlined benefits administration services. Join our introductory webinar on Thursday, July 30th! Already have…

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NAMFS Member Version of Earthvisionz V-Alert Has Added Functionality

NAMFS is excited that Earthvisionz has enhanced the FREE to Members version of V-Alert. Given the increase in recent COVID-19 cases, a county level tracker has been added.  This new feature is in addition to the use of thousands of data points that track storms, floods, hurricanes and other disaster-related events. While the FREE version…

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NAMFS Announcement – 2020 Annual Conference Will Be Virtual

Dear NAMFS Members and Mortgage Field Service Industry Professionals, The NAMFS Officers and Board of Directors have been discussing our 2020 annual conference since the start of this pandemic.  We have engaged the various partners and have decided to modify to a virtual format. The event will also move to October. Please know this decision was…

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